Friday, February 22, 2013

Overcome Depression Embrace Life!

Every dog has its day! This is what we say when things do not happen according to our expectations. A self convincing statement! life is uncertain and unpredictable. As humans we go through ups and downs, highs and lows, success and failure; this is the regular course of life.Every individual goes through a rough phase at some point in life,often leading to depression. In such situations we feel helpless, trapped and think of as the end of life. We feel worthless and see a future filled with infinite darkness. Where do we go? What do we do? Is there anyone who can empathize with us or get us out of this situation? Depression devastates us completely and the only solution to this soul burning agony lies within our self!

 Here are few self- help solutions

 Spirituality: God certainly exists! Surrender yourself and all your troubles to him. Belief in the almighty gives strength and courage to face all odds. Just the way a child feels loved and secure in the mother's arms, belief in god, calms down our anxiety and fear.

 Meditation: Detach yourself from the outside world; meditate! Look within yourself and try to identify the root of your troubles. You will definitely find an answer. Meditation reduces our stress and helps us to be more focused in life. It calms down the mind.

 Move with the right people: Our tough times give us the real picture of people around. Friends whom we trust more than ourselves often turn their backs on us. Move with people who make you happy, this will certainly help you stay positive. Stay away from people who criticize and pull you down. They will only make you feel more miserable.

 Watch movies: This might seem a little ridiculous yet very helpful. When we face a difficult situation in life we have two options to choose from "Fight or Flight". Movies definitely take you away from the present situation; even though the escape is momentary. A great way to relax a troubled mind.

 Acceptance: Finally, on a serious note. Learn to move with the flow. Accepting life the way it is will not only resolve our problems but also help us make peace with our self. Success takes you on a high but failure should not bog you down. Use your failure as a ladder to achieve success. Learn from your mistakes; this will help you grow as an individual.

 Stay positive. You are what you think! Think good and that goodness will definitely enrich your life. Positive vibrations when exuded will bring a lot of positive results in return.

 Contentment: This is the key to happiness. Count on your blessings and thank god for all that he has bestowed upon you. Contentment keeps all the vices at bay: like greed and jealousy which are the cause of human suffering.

 Lastly bad things do come to an end. There is light at the end of every tunnel. You just need to have patience to deal with a difficult situation in life. It may be failure as a student, hurdles in career or a tough phase in your personal life. Difficulty varies with situation: from person to person, but the misery it inflicts on an individuals life is immeasurable. Hope keeps desires alive. Hard work and determination will definitely yield positive results. A dear friend once told me" When you get caught in a whirlpool, surrender yourself and move along the course; you will find your way out, just the way you got in!!"

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