Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Art Of Letting Go


In this beautiful journey of life we are meant to evolve,  gain wisdom and grow from all the experiences that we have gained. The good and bad, the ugly and beautiful, the joys and sorrows are the various chapters that teach us invaluable lessons. 

The river is the perfect example of how one should go with the flow. It is unstoppable. It is a symbol of  strength, as it embraces everything that comes along its path without losing it’s true essence. The river teaches us to be persistent, as it keeps flowing through the toughest terrains. It also teaches us to be resilient as it possess the power to overcome any barrier or obstacle that comes in the way.

It is human nature to cling on to people, situations and circumstances which are not good for our well being. This attachment often causes great sorrow and it is the baggage of disappointments that often weighs us down. We fail to understand that certain situations, people and circumstances are beyond our control. The best we can do is accept things as they are and move on. The only way forward is to adopt a new perspective and let go of that which is not good for us without any resentment or regrets. What is meant for us will definitely come along. We must have confidence in our self and immense faith in God.

It is impermanence that makes life beautiful. When we realise that everything in life is temporary we will have no fear of losing anything. We will learn to let go and  rebuild ourselves even if life breaks us. Living with a sense of detachment helps us grow and become the best version of ourselves. We can retain our true self only when we accept the unchangeable, adapt to new perspectives and go with the flow, embracing each chapter of life as it comes.

“Train Yourself to let go 

Of everything you fear to lose

That is the key to happiness”


Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Power of Intentions


A thought has the power to transform lives and it is our thought process that determines the quality of our life. One of the important lessons we are taught in the early stages of life is to ‘think before we act’, yet all that people do is focus on the consequences or outcome of their actions and not the quality of their thoughts.  The mind carefully executes every deed but one does not really ponder about the intention behind an act or the purity of thought.

Majority of the problems that exist in the world are because of lack of clarity in thought. The challenges faced in everyday life forces humankind to act without thinking or encourages wrong thinking. People lead a life of pretence and although their conscience tells them to follow the path of goodness, the stubborn mind overpowers the conscience and compels them to strive for sake of survival. They put up a façade either to live up to the standards set by the society or to fulfil the expectations of family. While they appear perfect to the outside world, their inner self deteriorates day by day causing emotional turmoil, feelings of insecurity, hatred and jealousy towards others.

Purity of thought can be attained only when we learn to be honest with ourselves and others. It is possible to be our true self, without hurting others, only when our intentions are pure and we are able to communicate effectively with the people around us.

Our intentions have the power to make or break our life. Hence it is our responsibility to work towards the purification of our heart, mind and thoughts. Individuals should work on developing their character and not just on enhancing reputation. Our character is our true self while our reputation is what others think of us, a false identity. Once we learn to conquer our mind and work with good intentions, then the divine works through us, guiding and helping us to live a meaningful life. 

Bhagwan Shri Krishna says the following in shloka B G 

                                   Bg. 6.6

बन्धुरात्मात्मनस्तस्य येनात्मैवात्मना जित: ।

अनात्मनस्तु शत्रुत्वे वर्तेतात्मैव शत्रुवत् ॥ ६ ॥

bandhur ātmātmanas tasya

yenātmaivātmanā jitaḥ

anātmanas tu śatrutve

vartetātmaiva śatru-vat


For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.

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