Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Master of Life or Victim of Circumstances: What Do You Choose To Be?

Master of Life or Victim of Circumstances: What Do You Choose To Be?

There are very few people who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, for the rest life is a struggle! We live among different people, come across different situations and most often things do not happen in our favor. The true value of life is in its unpredictability!  Not once or twice but many times we get embroiled in an unpleasant/difficult situation and the way we tackle it as well as our attitude determines whether we emerge as winners or completely lose ourselves. Problems vary from one individual to another thus it is difficult to explain the gravity of the situation. When we are not in the right frame of mind, a simple problem may appear difficult to resolve. The best way to get out of a difficult situation is-self help!

Self Help Skills:

Self-Confidence: Always believe in yourself because if you don’t, nobody else will. Work towards reconstructing yourself. Identify your strengths and weakness. Self confidence gives us the strength to strive towards a better life.

Evaluate people: learn to observe people around and analyze their behavior. There are individuals who become puppets in the hands of manipulative people without their own knowledge. A manipulative person is often the sweetest one, who’s well aware of your strengths and weakness, controls you and manages to turn every situation in their favor: Beware!

Communicate: Sour relationships lack good communication, therefore learn to express yourself, put forward your opinion even though it may not go well with others. Most importantly learn to say NO when necessary.

Worry less Think more: The more you worry the greater the problem. Instead of wasting your time on worrying, think about ways to solve problems, work towards the betterment of your life.

Advice not Advisable: Sharing your problems may multiply them. Talking to someone who has been in a similar situation might be helpful but making it a part of general discussions, is seriously not advisable. You never know who gives the right advice and who misguides.

Self-evaluation: count your blessings and work hard on your weaknesses. It’s good to be self critical at times. Think over your approach towards a situation and learn to tackle it in a sensible manner. Anger, aggressiveness, dejection and disappointment will make it all worse.

Positive Approach:A positive approach is the first step towards personal growth. Think positive and it will work.

Never fear hardships, never say I can't, never feel helpless or trapped. Come what may learn to fight, for a better life. You are solely responsible for your own happiness. Master of life or victim of circumstances: YOU ARE WHAT YOU CHOOSE!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Confessions Of A Disgruntled Spouse

Marriage gives another dimension to the sweet home, effortlessly making it – a War Zone. The process of adjustments and compromises leads to a lot of friction between the husband and wife. The cat fights and the arguments, get so intense that couples indulge in a bitter verbal war. Apart from this, one can easily recall and relate to the dramatic scene where couples launch an attack towards each other with crockery, pillows and other available household weapons. Things fly across the room along with soaring tempers! It’s nothing less than the Clash of Titans. In the heat of the moment couples confess their repressed thoughts and say things that might leave their spouse disgruntled. This is the reason many get disillusioned about marriage.

When angry we lose control over our mind. Here are a few things most people generally, confess to their spouse when disappointed with their relationship:
  • Marrying you was  the biggest mistake of my life
  • You are irresponsible
  • You are just like your mother/father, so irritating!
  • You never fail to disappoint me
  • You were a different person  before marriage
  • You  hide a lot of things from me
  • You always give priority to your family
  • You never care for me
  • You are selfish
  • You have ruined my life
  • My ex  was far better compared to you
If your spouse has said anything similar to you don’t worry too much over it or assume that your relationship is on the rocks. Talk to your spouse about how hurt you are by these statements rather than staying away from each other. In most cases after a huge fight couples do not communicate with each other for days, making things worse. Marriage is a Love-Hate relationship that has its own sweet and bitter moments.

A lot of effort goes into making a good relationship. The friction is just a part of the game. A good relationship survives on trust, unconditional love, understanding, contributions and compromises provided it is mutual! Every marriage goes through a rough phase and it is common to have endless fights. Nevertheless they say “There is light at the end of every tunnel”.

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