Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Guiding Light



The uncertainties of life often leave us feeling bewildered. During such times, we lose clarity of mind and find it difficult to do what is right in the given situation. Considering ourselves to be the masters of our destiny we take our own decisions and seldom rely on people. It is only in a state of either moral dilemma or indecisiveness, that we seek advice from our near and dear ones. 

In this context, it is wise to recall the famous proverb in Hindi, “ सबकी सुनो अपनी करो” – Take advice from everyone but  listen to your inner voice. People give advice based on their experiences and perspective of life. Their opinions may be correct for them but not right for us. Hence it is best that we listen to our own conscience. However, the complexities of life are such that they hinder our ability to think clearly. The question then arises, what should one do in such a situation? The perfect solution is Prayer and unwavering Faith in the Divine.


When life seems out of control and we are unable to decide what is best for us, then we must surrender completely to divine cosmic power. GOD-The supreme spiritual master knows what is right for us and will provide clarity of thought, so that we do what is needed and get what we deserve at the right time. 

At the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Arjuna could not understand the reason for his mental confusion, although he knew that his duty to fight was awaiting him. He offers himself to the Supreme Spiritual Master- Bhagwan Shri Krishna as a disciple and requests him to give a definite solution. 
Bg. 2.7

पृच्छामि त्वां धर्मसम्मूढचेताः ।
यच्छ्रेयः स्यान्निश्‍चितं ब्रूहि तन्मे
शिष्यस्तेऽहं शाधि मां त्वां प्रपन्नम् ॥ ७ ॥

pṛcchāmi tvāṁ dharma-sammūḍha-cetāḥ
yac chreyaḥ syān niścitaṁ brūhi tan me
śiṣyas te ’haṁ śādhi māṁ tvāṁ prapannam


Now I am confused about my duty and have lost all composure because of miserly weakness. In this condition I am asking You to tell me for certain what is best for me. Now I am Your disciple, and a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct me.

Written by _ Saraswathi M V
Mentor credits: Mrs Shalini Pujari 
Ref: The Bhagwad Gita

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